Monday, 24 November 2014


I.A.L.T further develop my Maths knowledge and strategies through using Mathletics.

Friday, 21 November 2014

Room 1 Super Heroes

Today we dressed up as super heroes.

Discovery Award

I got this certificate for my good use of language, symbols and text in discovery today.

Easy Blog Photo

Discovery Term 4

I am learning to use language, symbols and text by talking about the bubbles that I made.

It was long, skinny and transparent.

Easy Blog Photo

Oaklands School Jubliee

I.A.L.T recount the Oaklands School Jubilee.

In my piece of writing I am proud .....
That I wrote 3 pages.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Buddy Reading

I.A.L.T develop my reading fluency.

Dania says...
when I get stuck on a word my buddy helps me.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

P.E. Athletics

In athletics I have been learning to run from a lying start and working towards a crouched normal sprint start.

I know I can do this when I can:
  • Get into the starting position ready to race
  • Push myself up into a running position
  • Aim to run towards the finish line
  • Run hard and fast in a straight line to reach the finish line
  • Run from a crouched sprint starting position.
I can get ready, push myself up and run fast to the finish line. I am learning to run from a crouched sprint start position.

Reading Term 4

In Reading I am learning to:
Read beyond the text and draw inference.

I know when I can do this because I can:
  • Talk about the authors message
  • Ask questions about the text
  • Answer questions about the text
  • Tell others what the text is about

I can already answer questions about the text and tell others what the text is about. I am learning to talk about the authors message.

Book Character Week

Red and White aka Read and Write Celebrating: Where’s Wally’s 30th Anniversary and Dr Seuss’s 60th Anniversary As part of Literacy Wee...