Saturday, 26 July 2014

Discovery 2014

At Discovery time I have been learning to relate to others.

Success criteria:
Share with others.
Take turns.
Use my manners.
Listen when others are speaking.
Let others join in.
Play fair.

Easy Blog Photo
I have been using my manners today.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Reading 2014

In Reading I am learning to: 
Ask questions about what we are reading to find out more information.

Success criteria:
Recall what the text is about;
Locate the main points in the text;
Use question starters such as who, what, why and when to form questions that will provide useful information.

My next step:

Read to find the deeper meaning in a text (inference).

Book Character Week

Red and White aka Read and Write Celebrating: Where’s Wally’s 30th Anniversary and Dr Seuss’s 60th Anniversary As part of Literacy Wee...